Friday, July 11, 2008

This Post Is Not For You

I call it "Livin' The Dream"

Sunday, July 06, 2008


If you had spent the past three days with me, you may have...

seen the fireworks from a pretty decent spot.
taken the longest bike ride you've taken in more than 20 years.
eaten the best pizza you've had in months.
had some very effective sex (with a member of the opposite sex.)
negotiated a $700 discount on a new lawn mower.
made your house look nicer inside and out.
enjoyed a rural scooter ride on an absolutely ideal day.
received a thank you note from a nun. (This item not related to item four, above.)

Other things may have happened as well, but these are the ones that go in the blournal.

Friday, July 04, 2008

Sweet Vitory

Your game will play like champion!

Thursday, July 03, 2008

Profit and Loss

On paper, the Ferrara Pan Candy Co. could not figure out why profits were down by exactly 50%.