Maelstrom of Expression
Completely disinterested bald guy with hoodie.
Father and special-needs son holding hands.
Guy who needs to grimace in order to use his Nikon Coolpix point-and-shoot.
It's a blournal.
Posted by
9:44 PM
The waffle, or today's entry?
Two eggs (scrambled). Veggie sausage. Granola crunch waffle with strawberries.
Posted by
10:42 AM
Sorry, three's my limit.
It wasn't enough that someone backed the car into the neighbor's car and activated the $500 deductable.
It wasn't enough that, not 15 minutes later, the very same car got in a front-end wreck and was towed away (not our fault - everyone OK.)
No, it was that, while the details of the front-ender were being explained to me on the phone, this happened...
...and so went the next four hours of my life.
"Up" apparently not being an option for Shaggy the Rat here, I worked on keeping the doors closed and devising a plan.
Things got pretty desperate, and suffice it to say I got to the point where I would rather have a round from my .22 Ruger ricochet off the inside of the firebox and catch me in the head, forcing me to eat through a tube for the rest of my life, than risk setting this thing loose in the house. Good Lord, what a mess that would be.
I'll spare you the excruciatingly ugly details of how it all went down, but we are rid of him, and the calamity that did ensue drove me to go out today and purchase a new Daisy Powerline 008 dual-ammo semi-automatic air pistol, capable of firing a round at up to 480 feet per second (with the wind in your favor) so that I would never again have to visit such dark (and ineffective) places in my mind.
If a new visitor should find his way down the chimney during one of those brief periods where the chimney cap is open and no fire is lit, I believe I have a plan.
This entry was not hand-written because I refuse to print a picture of this furry bastard.
Posted by
2:13 PM
I got my annual call to do music for an ad. If you're keeping score, I'm pretty much on par with my "one per year" ratio (this could be a lonnnnng year.)
I turned this one around really fast, and I think it's the most "jingle-y" sounding thing I've ever done. It's for a bank, and they requested "some kind of piano pop."
Ended up hitting a very '80s Yacht-Rock, honky-white-ass vibe, but nevertheless I might actually be proud of it. Repulsive as it may be, I think I really tee'd off on this one.
I may not choose to sit around and listen to this kind of music, but I think it's as hip as I want my bank to be. Now we just wait for a mediocre singer to totally ruin it.
Posted by
8:47 PM