How To Keep The Weight Off
Here's one just in time for Thanksgiving!
Stop having friends. Get rid of your family. Stop trying to be around other people. Stop going to things. Never speak to anyone.
There's an element of truth to all that, because it's abundantly clear to me that when it comes to diet and weight loss, you are on your own. And not only that, but your efforts are sometimes met with actual resistance. It's really hard.
If you, like me, limit your daily calorie intake, you will usually be seen with a pretty small plate of food. A full 10 times out of 10, someone around you will comment on your food. "That's all you're going to have?" "How come you aren't having any ______?" and of course the classic, "Where's your protein?" hint: most foods have SOME amount of protein, but people usually mean "meat" when they say "protein".
I used to try to explain myself but now my overwhelming thought is genuinely "WHY DO YOU CARE?"
I don't get it. I think I've lost perspective. I can't for the life of me understand why anyone would look at someone else's plate of food and need an explanation. I can't understand how it matters or even why anyone would be curious. I can tell you, I haven't the slightest interest in what those around me are eating. What I have learned is that as plates are piled up with food, some people are quietly observing. If everything looks "normal" no comments will be made. If something (WHATEVER THAT MAY BE) looks off, BOOM - RED FLAG. WE NEED TO GET TO THE BOTTOM OF THIS.
Following this is always advice on what things you should be eating, and of course questions about why you don't eat those things. The problem, aside from having explained yourself at every public meal for years on end, is that keeping it short and polite really doesn't work. People don't want to let it go. I guess you are seen as a problem that needs to be fixed? I remember I went to a party and explained to a girl that I don't like wine and she put her wine glass to my lips and began to pour. You can say what you want about that episode but I think it just shows how people are taking way too much interest in what other people are having/not having. In what manner is it important to you that I have [pick a food you like]? It isn't enough that you enjoy it? Oh, yes. I have tried it before, thank you.
If anyone would pay me and if I was (were?) better at writing I could write a book, but I will sum up my findings real quick for you here: If I am fat, you should be fat, too. It's not a bad choice if we're all making it. And a bonus: no one wants to be the only one drinking.
Never once has the response been "Good for you!" Not once. Instead what you get is a lot of other people's self-conscious bullshit. Those are always the people who speak up, and the reality is, those people are everywhere. Good luck, and good for you!