"Nobody questions the process when the vote falls their way."
I don't think I've quite gotten this off my chest so I'm going around one more time on it. Sorry.
We seem to have quite a few states in this country that are really, really against abortion. I think a problem is that too many people disconnect the "state" from its people. The State in this context is comprised of a representative governing body. It's not a dictatorship. It's a bunch of people who were elected, and ostensibly uphold the majority public interest. I'm sure you've heard of the concept of politicians changing their point of view to gain votes to help ensure re-election. Abortion is one of few true no-compromise issues and, politics being what they are, I have to question how many politicians really care much one way or another about the issue and are just chasing after votes. Scoff if you want but I didn't just make up that point of view.
Some states have very strong anti-abortion laws, not (just) because their politicians are evil, but because it's what the majority of people in that state want and voted for. Our system of government has spoken. If most people in Texas wanted abortion rights, they'd have them. Why wouldn't they? Nobody questions the process when the vote falls their way. If most Texans hated Ted Cruz, he'd be out. That might take close to six years, but there is a process for it. Same goes for the other states who oppose abortion. I know there are people in these states that think abortion should be a right, but those people are simply in the voting minority, and as far as the process is concerned, nothing else much matters. "Sorry. We took a vote." pretty much ends all arguments. The best you can do is try to change some minds and get people to vote again.
The narrative too often seems to be that we have anti-abortion laws because some states are run by assholes, but the more accurate assessment is that this is what the assholes who live in those states wanted. And don't forget they probably think you're an asshole for not agreeing with them. You might be as right as anything has ever been, but you need to get out there and convince others that's true. "You're wrong and you're a hateful asshole!" doesn't bring about much change.