Gas is Cheaper in Hawaii
Sort of. Check me out...
For as far back as I can remember, gas prices for various grades were structured 10¢ apart. A gallon of mid-grade was 10¢ more than regular, and premium was 10¢ more than mid, so the total spread between grades was 20¢. Hawaii seems to still follow this pricing structure, but in my state the spread between grades is as much as 75¢/gal.
According to, premium unleaded is going for $2.84 in my neighborhood, and the price in Hawaii is $2.61
Otherwise, yes, HI pays 32¢/gal more for regular... which I never use.
been working on Lanai island past 6 weeks and gas is still high there. $4 something.
Bet that's a fun gig, though. Probably not wasting too much fuel stuck in traffic? Or is it that thing where everyone gets stuck at the ONE light on the island?
they don't have a single stop light at all as far as I've seen. We aren't allowed to bring personal vehicles or even rent a car on your own while officially employed on this privately owned island. I think the reason is to prevent traffic. 450 workers at the peak of construction & renovation. Job over, day-to-day status as far as further work schedule.
Sounds like a great job to have while it lasted. I could get you some fill-in dates for sure if you're feeling like a drive to VT.
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