Friday, June 19, 2020

How Research Is Done

...and I'm not kidding

Choose your stance on an issue.
Find the research that supports your stance.

There are so many sources available to you today on the internet that it is excruciatingly easy to find several that tell you what you already believe.  It's rampant enough to have earned the name confirmation bias.  But if you can summon the truth to begin your research as a truly blank canvas and erase your own bias completely, I think you will find the overwhelming majority of information available today is presented with bias.

Trying to read up on the Civil War is what led me to this conclusion.  So much info.  So much opinion.  It takes real work to sift through it all.  At some point it gets so much easier if you just decide for yourself how you think it all went and then find the supporting articles.  You're guaranteed to be right eventually.

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