Friday, August 30, 2024


 Have I not wrapped up my incessant carping about this yet?  Ha.  No.  I haven't.  But I did have something of a very, very late breakthrough I will share with you now.

Why did I get fired?  It was not likely for lack of skill.  It wasn't because of an inability to fit in.  It wasn't because of cronyism - based on everything I know about the Web Mistress*, she is far too concerned with her own interests to bother with something like that, which brings me to my point.

The reason I got fired is because it allowed the Web Mistress* to control the photographer's billing.  The Firm does not pay the new photographer directly.  His services are billed through the Web Mistress*, and this allows the Web Mistress* to mark up his services.  If she did not hire me, then the bill does not pass through her for her to mark up.  The only way she could potentially profit from me doing the photo shoots would be for her to attend those shoots herself, and that would require her time.  This is very bad.  When the new photographer took the portraits, the Web Mistress* didn't show up.  She didn't need to because she was going to be the one sending the bill for that shoot, and she can add whatever percentage she pleases.  Pushing me out the door opened another door through which more profit could be channeled.  It took me far too long to realize this.  Or it took me far to long to clear my head out enough to see it.  

I suppose if I had worked something out where I was giving her a slice of the action, I'd still have the job.  If that's really true, she can kiss my ass.  I know that the people who hired her to do this job are finding out many things they don't like - and they were warned about all of it.  

Never mind the fact that the website has been in development for ALMOST A YEAR and still isn't done.  I'm going to guess few people involved in this complete fiasco are happy about it.

That, once and for all, really is all I have to say about it.  Thank you. 

*is the PG term used in place of the actual word.

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