Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Dave II

A map of the route can be found here.


RONW said...

that looks like out in nowhere, but 250+ people a night!

Anonymous said...

Fantastic - what a nerd

blournalist said...

Ron - I would've settled for 25 people in my backyard.

Anon - I think the "nerd" comment might just give you away.

Anonymous said...

Jerry didn't scare me...

Nate Orshan / Nato said...

"Buzz Band?! Jerry, what happened? April Wine was a godly unit of kings! Dave"

Thank you! Like Dave at the end of that story, I think I now need a new pair of underpants. But from peeing because I laughed so much.

Chris said...

That was a brilliant retelling of a classic Dave incident. Although I've heard this story many times, I've never enjoyed it more than this written version. Please continue writing so we can all enjoy your talent.

blournalist said...

Thanks all y'all. What's that saying about hating writing, but love having written? Yeah. That.