Wednesday, December 12, 2007


I hate to think of all the time I've wasted on the stupid Interwebcomputernet, because it'd probably have to be measured in years and might even involve use of the word "dozen". Worse, maybe even "bakers." Let's not think about it. Let's instead think about the fact that after all that wasted time, I've now found a way to turn the Intercomputerwebnet into something that brings $25 to my mailbox on what's becoming a pretty regular basis. Oh yes - let's talk about that. My dormant PayPal account suddenly sees some activity, and I decide to leave the cash in there.

Now, regular readers will know that a couple months back, I scored myself a pretty cool piece of gear. I got it used because they don't make it anymore. I found a good one, but, like many, it came without all of its original parts. The lens hood is what was missing. Not usually a vital piece, but I wanted one for some protection.

One turned up on the eBay a while back, but it ended up selling, in classic eBay fashion, for way more than it should have. I even bid too high on it and I lost. This is an item that should sell for $45 is as-new condition. Some yokel ended up paying about $80 for it. Dumb. Ass. You go eBay!

So I made this model number a part of my everyday search for porn. Lo and behold, I found a lot of porn. But yesterday, I found the part at a reputable dealer.

Click click click, oh look! There's a "Pay here with PayPal" option. I just got me some PayPal. Clicky-click, porn, click, boom, done. $18. Well, didn't that all button up quite nicely.

Intercomputerwebnet, I take back every bad thing I ever said about you.

Wait - no I don't.

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